Legalto Online Legal Advice helps people to get best solution of their legal problems by experts very easily and hassle-free. Our services includes advice on almost all legal matters, advice and drafting of legal documentations etc.
Our Property Documentation Service is helping people to save themselves from troubles and frauds while buying/selling/renting their property. We also help people in verifying Property Title which is very helpful in preventing property frauds. . Besides, we also provide services of property disputes related to willed or inherited properties, issues regarding non provision of Occupancy Certificate, Misuse of rented/leased property and disputes between builders/developers and buyers.
We are assisting people with the most experienced lawyers. Our team includes lawyers from different law fields as well as professionals from different other professional fields (chartered accountants, professional consultants etc.).
Get your documents drafted by experienced lawyers. No waiting for weeks for appointments. Best Solution with a very reasonable fee.
Get the property Title verified by experienced lawyers before dealing with property sale/purchase to prevent yourself from unforeseen troubles. No waiting for weeks for appointments. Best Solution with really low fee.
Our team of lawyers are there 24/7 to protect you from any legal problems.