Trademark Registration is required to protect unique identity of your brand, logo, slogan etc.
All Business Operators dealing with any kind of food related items needs to have Food License.
It takes a huge effort and time to build a brand image. To protect this unique identity of brands, logos, slogans or anything else which is unique can apply for
Trademark Registration. Using a Trademark Registered entity by others is punishable offence. We are assisting people with the most experienced team of professional’s expert in their fields (chartered accountants, professional consultants etc.
Our promise is that whole process will be seamless and fast.
A Trademark registered entity is entitled to sue the individual/business which is trying to use the Trademark Registered product/Service for their own commercial benefit.
TM Registration brings a uniqueness and trust and hence creates a Brand Value
A TM equips owner with legal right to protect from Business Expansion: A TM registration creates brand value and it becomes easy to expand your business area using same TM.